24-03-2025 09:26:52

Kal. 22 Sportspistoler og vekselsæt

Disse brugte våben sælges med fuld nygaranti (2 år).
Garantien omfatter naturligvis ikke sliddele som slagstifter og slagfjedre m.v.

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Klik på "Pris" for sortering efter pris.
Klik på "Våbnet" for yderligere information.

Title Pris #
Agner M.80 .22lr. Flot stand 7.980,- 6743 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Flot stand 7.280,- 13064 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Flot stand 6.580,- 13825 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Flot stand 7.980,- 14964 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.980,- 5189 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Pæn stand 7.280,- 5319 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Pæn stand 6.380,- 7378 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Pæn stand 6.580,- 6744 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Pæn stand 7.980,- 9180 +
Agner M.80 .22lr. Pæn stand 7.280,- 11866 +
Agner M.80-2 .22lr. Flot stand 7.480,- 13650 +
AMT AutoMag II 6" .22WMR. Flot stand. 5.980,- 5566 +
Astra Model 4000 'Falcon' .22lr. Flot stand. 3.780,- 13339 +
Baikal ISH 35M .22lr. Matchpistol i pæn stand. 3.300,- 8674 +
Baikal ISH 35M .22lr. Matchpistol i pæn stand. 3.680,- 12839 +
Baikal ISH 35M .22lr. Matchpistol i pæn stand. 3.680,- 12840 +
Baikal ISH 35M Vostok .22lr. Rustfri stål. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12133 +
Baikal Margolin MCM .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 3.980,- 243 +
Baikal Margolin MCM .22lr. God stand 2.480,- 16111 +
Baikal Margolin MCM .22lr. God stand, løbsvægt og håndballestøtte. 2.980,- 2780 +
Benelli MP 95 E Match. Blåneret .22lr. Flot stand 5.980,- 17402 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 11626 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. Flot stand. 2.980,- 9792 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. God stand. 2.980,- 16427 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. God stand. 2.980,- 17501 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.900,- 8093 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.680,- 14246 +
Beretta M. 76 .22lr. Pæn stand. Venstre matchgreb. 3.480,- 17099 +
Beretta M. 87 BB Cheetah .22lr. Flot stand. 3.900,- 15008 +
Beretta M. 87 BB Cheetah .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 12805 +
Beretta M.948 .22lr. Lommepistol, pæn stand. 3.480,- 1990 +
Bernardelli M.48 .22lr. Pæn stand 2.400,- 131 +
Bernardelli M.60 .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.180,- 138 +
Bernardelli M.69 .22lr. Flot stand 2.580,- 14224 +
Bernardelli M.69 .22lr. God stand 1.980,- 10165 +
Bernardelli M.69 .22lr. Ok stand. 1.880,- 14567 +
Bernardelli Mod. 60 .22lr. Flot stand. 2.400,- 133 +
Bernardelli Mod. 60 .22lr. Flot stand. 2.480,- 10459 +
Bernardelli Mod. 60 .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.200,- 138 +
Britarms 2000 MK2,.22lr. Matchskæfte, som ny 6.500,- 1570 +
Britarms 2000 MK2, .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.480,- 8409 +
Browning Buck Mark .22lr. Flot stand. 2.980,- 10261 +
Browning Buck Mark .22lr. Flot stand. 2.980,- 16744 +
Browning Buck Mark .22lr. Ok stand. 1.980,- 10022 +
Ciener 1911 vekselsæt i .22lr. Pæn stand. 1.680,- 9171 +
Colt 1911 .22lr. Custom, god stand. 7.980,- 9720 +
Colt Ace 1911 .22lr. Pæn stand. 8.980,- 17313 +
Colt Ace kal. 22lr. Nærmest som ny. 9.980,- 12337 +
Colt Woodsman .22lr. Ok stand 3.980,- 7328 +
Colt Woodsman Match Target .22lr. Flot stand - dog med finish skade. 4.980,- 16652 +
Colt Woodsman Match Target .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 11214 +
Colt Woodsman Match Target .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12061 +
Colt Woodsman Match Target .22lr. Flot stand. 6.480,- 17495 +
Colt Woodsman Match Target .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 12062 +
CZ75 Kadet .22lr. Matsort finish, flot stand. 7.980,- 17760 +
Erma-Werke EP22 .22lr. kopi af P08 (Luger) Netskåret skæfte. 3.500,- 5026 +
Erma-Werke EP22 .22lr. kopi af P08 (Luger) Ok stand. 3.200,- 4211 +
Erma-Werke EP22 .22lr. kopi af P08 (Luger) Ok stand. 2.480,- 8309 +
Erma-Werke EP882 (P.38) 6" .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.400,- 8037 +
Erma-Werke EP882 S (P.38) 6" .22lr. Flot stand - som ny. 2.480,- 8060 +
Erma-Werke EP882 S (P.38) 6" .22lr. Flot stand. 2.480,- 5665 +
Erma-Werke EP882 S (P.38) 6" .22lr. Flot stand. 2.480,- 8364 +
Erma-Werke EP882 S (P.38) 6" .22lr. Flot stand. 2.480,- 15289 +
Erma-Werke EP882 S (P.38) 6" .22lr. Flot stand. "Battleworn" 2.480,- 15670 +
Erma-Werke ESP85 .22lr. Links. God stand. 3.480,- 9449 +
Erma-Werke ESP85 .22lr. Matchgreb. God stand. 3.580,- 12160 +
Erma-Werke ESP85 .22lr. Matchgreb. God stand. 3.580,- 2068 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. God stand. 3.480,- 12874 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. med K.Nill matchgreb. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 4.980,- 13396 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. med K.Nill Matchgreb. Pæn stand. 4.380,- 10246 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. med K.Nill matchgreb. Pæn stand. 4.480,- 10520 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. med K.Nill matchgreb. Pæn stand. 4.180,- 9975 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. Pæn stand 3.580,- 7360 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A .22lr. Pæn stand. Morini greb. 4.500,- 9401 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A vekselsæt i .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.100,- 7745 +
Erma-Werke ESP85A vekselsæt i .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.300,- 11851 +
Erma-Werke KGP69 .22lr. mini kopi af P08 (Luger) Som ny 3.980,- 10244 +
FAS 6007 .22lr. Matchpistol. Som ny. 12.480,- 17327 +
FAS SP602 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 13399 +
FAS SP602 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12129 +
FAS SP602 .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 13250 +
FAS SP602 .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.900,- 7750 +
FAS SP602 .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.580,- 14363 +
FAS SP607 .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.900,- 15495 +
Feinwerkbau AW93 (V1) .22lr. Flot stand. 9.980,- 14322 +
Feinwerkbau AW93 (V1) .22lr. God stand. 9.600,- 7922 +
Feinwerkbau AW93 (V1) .22lr. God stand. 9.980,- 10404 +
Feinwerkbau AW93 (V1) .22lr. Pæn stand. 9.980,- 16082 +
Feinwerkbau AW93 (V4) .22lr. Flot stand. 14.980,- 17751 +
Fiocchi ST2000 .22lr. Flot stand 6.900,- 3827 +
FN Browning, Historik & modeller. Reservedele 0
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 8135 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 8092 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 8094 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 8136 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 10689 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 9973 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 10688 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Ok stand. 1.980,- 11031 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. 2.580,- 15671 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. 2.980,- 5397 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. 2.980,- 16339 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Flot stand. 3.500,- 9503 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Flot stand. 3.480,- 11714 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Flot stand. 3.480,- 15862 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Flot stand. 3.480,- 12139 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Flot stand. 3.480,- 16409 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Flot stand. 3.980,- 9740 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. God stand. 2.980,- 10952 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. God stand. 2.980,- 12628 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. God stand. 3.480,- 8707 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Links matchgreb. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 8945 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Links matchgreb. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 10690 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Matchgreb. 2.500,- 11687 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Matchgreb. 2.980,- 8946 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Matchgreb. 2.980,- 9336 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Matchgreb. Flot stand. 3.980,- 8944 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Matchgreb. Flot stand. 3.480,- 8947 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Matchgreb. God stand. 2.980,- 8977 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 9070 +
FN Browning 150 .22lr. Matchpibe. Targetgreb. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 17441 +
FN Browning Challenger .22lr. Flot stand. 2.980,- 4823 +
FN Browning Challenger .22lr. God stand. 2.480,- 4356 +
FN Browning Challenger .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 6317 +
FN Browning Challenger .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 17319 +
FN Browning Challenger .22lr. Tynd pibe/let model. Flot stand. 2.980,- 15792 +
FN Browning International, Links .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 8857 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 3.700,- 9974 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.700,- 8001 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.400,- 8122 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.580,- 9504 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 14330 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 14329 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 9359 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.580,- 14885 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 11396 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 11314 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 2.980,- 11248 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 16482 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12142 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12141 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12144 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 9337 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 8864 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 8753 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 16976 +
FN Browning International .22lr. God stand. 3.300,- 7961 +
FN Browning International .22lr. God stand. 2.980,- 17763 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.500,- 2826 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 14325 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12871 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 14331 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.500,- 16421 +
FN Browning International .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 9005 +
FN Browning M.150 .22lr., Som ny 4.200,- 2826 +
FN Browning M.150 .22lr. Links Matchgreb. Dame/junior model, 2.500,- 4830 +
FN Browning M.150 .22lr. Matchpibe, targetgreb. Flot stand. 2.980,- 12882 +
FN Browning M.150 .22lr. med vægt, matchgreb, god stand 2.800,- 4502 +
FN Browning M.150 .22lr. Som ny 2.900,- 4405 +
FN Browning M.150 .22lr. Targetgreb, God stand 2.900,- 5005 +
FN Browning Nomad .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.580,- 16426 +
GSG 1911 Tactical .22lr. Ok stand 1.980,- 17674 +
Heckler & Koch HK4 .22lr. Flot stand. 2.950,- 11393 +
Heckler & Koch HK4. Vekselsæt .22lr. Som nyt. 1.550,- 10170 +
High-Standard Historik & modeller. Reservedele 0
High-Standard Sport-King .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.480,- 8562 +
High-Standard Supermatic, .22lr. God stand 2.800,- 4095 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation, .22lr. Nyt greb, God stand 2.900,- 5077 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Flot stand. 3.500,- 15778 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 11533 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12867 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 13391 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 12866 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 12499 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 13131 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.500,- 12509 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.500,- 12147 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 12151 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 3388 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 17502 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. Links. 2.980,- 17443 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. Matchgreb. 3.500,- 17444 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation .22lr. Pæn stand. Matchgreb. 3.500,- 17707 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation kal. 22lr. Flot stand 3.480,- 10242 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.103 Sharpshooter .22lr. God stand. 2.480,- 13390 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.103 Sharpshooter 22lr. Flot stand 3.480,- 16566 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.103 Sharpshooter 22lr. Flot stand 3.480,- 16566 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.104 Sharpshooter .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 13392 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.104 Sharpshooter .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 12146 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.104 Sharpshooter .22lr. Flot stand. Matchgreb højre small. 3.480,- 9364 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.104 Sharpshooter .22lr. Nærmest som ny. 3.980,- 12865 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation M.104 Sharpshooter .22lr. Nærmest som ny. 3.980,- 13389 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation Military, .22lr. God stand 3.500,- 4048 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation Military, .22lr. Med vægt. 2.500,- 4826 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation Military .22lr. God stand 2.700,- 5350 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation model 103 Sharpshooter 22lr. Som ny. 3.980,- 12864 +
High-Standard Supermatic Citation model 104 Sharpshooter .22lr. Pæn stand 2.800,- 12148 +
High-Standard Supermatic Tournament .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 9506 +
High-Standard Supermatic Trophy, .22lr. God stand 2.700,- 4004 +
High-Standard Supermatic Trophy, .22lr. Targetgreb. God stand 2.800,- 4910 +
High-Standard Supermatic Trophy .22lr. 7,2" pibelængde. 4.980,- 8504 +
High-Standard Supermatic Trophy .22lr. med Rink greb. Mekanisk meget fin. 4.180,- 9338 +
High-Standard Supermatic Trophy .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12150 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.800,- 4519 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.700,- 4533 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.500,- 4534 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.500,- 4535 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 3.500,- 4825 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.800,- 5823 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.800,- 4818 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 3.600,- 5296 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. God stand 2.900,- 6329 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter, .22lr. Som ny 3.500,- 4928 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter-M .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 13393 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter .22lr. God stand. 2.500,- 10112 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter .22lr. God stand. 2.980,- 5088 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter .22lr. God stand. 2.500,- 12525 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter .22lr. Pæn stand 3.380,- 10286 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter .22lr. Pæn stand 3.380,- 17442 +
High-Standard The Sharpshooter M.103 .22lr. Tidlig model i pæn stand 2.800,- 9949 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. AGS matchgreb. God stand 3.300,- 4378 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. AGS Matchskæfte justerbar, 3.900,- 5186 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. God stand 2.500,- 1308 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. God stand 2.900,- 4049 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. God stand 2.800,- 4165 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. God stand 2.900,- 4684 +
High-Standard The Victor, .22lr. Som ny 3.500,- 3383 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Fin stand. 2.980,- 16017 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Fin stand. 2.980,- 10818 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12868 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 9469 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Flot stand. Matchskæfte. 3.900,- 15777 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. God stand. 2.800,- 5188 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Ok stand 2.500,- 6780 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Ok stand 2.500,- 6781 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Ok stand 2.480,- 13104 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Ok stand 2.500,- 15869 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.800,- 4378 +
High-Standard The Victor .22lr. Pæn stand. Morini matchgreb. 3.480,- 11343 +
Hämmerli 208 - US model .22lr. Slæde med sikring. Pæn stand. 7.480,- 10575 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 7.980,- 8363 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 10401 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 7.200,- 7407 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.980,- 8751 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 10608 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 10400 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 11089 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 9467 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 11917 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. Med mekanisk sikring. 6.980,- 10942 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Flot stand. Stor vægt. 6.980,- 8269 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. God stand. 5.700,- 7729 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. God stand. 5.580,- 9468 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. God stand. 5.800,- 7414 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. God stand. 5.980,- 10147 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. God stand. 5.480,- 16894 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 16895 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. med K.Nill greb. Flot stand. 6.980,- 8297 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. med K.Nill greb. Flot stand. 6.980,- 16385 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. med K.Nill matchgreb. God stand. 6.980,- 8318 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. med Rink '1911' greb. Pæn stand. 6.480,- 10221 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Med Rink terrængreb. God stand. 6.800,- 8394 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Med Rink terrængreb. God stand. 6.500,- 13108 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. med terrængreb. Flot stand. 6.500,- 12109 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Morini matchgreb. Flot stand. 6.980,- 8948 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Morini matchgreb. Nærmest som ny. 7.980,- 17723 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Ok stand. 5.500,- 7411 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.900,- 7412 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.900,- 6792 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.300,- 7408 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.400,- 7416 +
Hämmerli 208 .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 8294 +
Hämmerli 208S .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 9.980,- 10402 +
Hämmerli 208S .22lr. Flot stand. 9.980,- 8271 +
Hämmerli 208S .22lr. Flot stand. 9.980,- 8738 +
Hämmerli 208S .22lr. Flot stand. 8.980,- 10596 +
Hämmerli 208S .22lr. Links. Flot stand. 9.980,- 16319 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 6.980,- 12113 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 10054 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.980,- 8103 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Flot stand. Links. 6.980,- 8162 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Flot stand. Stor vægt. 6.980,- 8296 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Med Rink terrængreb. Pæn stand. 6.480,- 17871 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Med Rink terrængreb. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 11686 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Med stor vægt. Som ny. 7.980,- 14566 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Med terræn/2 hånds greb. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 16169 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 7374 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 9698 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Pæn stand. Med stor vægt. 6.980,- 8268 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Pæn stand. Med stor vægt. 6.980,- 12843 +
Hämmerli 215 .22lr. Som ny. 6.980,- 13382 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. + vekselsæt i .32 S&W Long. Flot stand 10.980,- 9987 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 5.980,- 13911 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand - stort set som ny. 6.980,- 11401 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 9501 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 10944 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.480,- 10403 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 9299 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.480,- 15246 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.900,- 9700 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.900,- 12846 +
Hämmerli 280 .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.900,- 12845 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Blå, flot stand. 6.800,- 9905 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Blå, flot stand. 6.980,- 17312 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Blå, god stand. 5.980,- 12855 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Guld - flot stand. 6.480,- 13256 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Rød, flot stand. 6.480,- 17720 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Sort - Pæn stand - Specielt Klappkorn. 7.280,- 10143 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Sort. Flot stand. Links small. 7.480,- 15592 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Sort. Pæn stand 5.980,- 11315 +
Hämmerli SP20 .22lr. Sort. Pæn stand 6.980,- 16027 +
Hämmerli SP20 RRS. 22lr. Blå, flot stand. 8.980,- 17053 +
Hämmerli SP20 RRS .22lr. Grå/sort finish. Flot stand. 9.980,- 17022 +
Hämmerli SP20 RRS .22lr. Sort. Flot stand. Rødpunktsigte m.m. 10.980,- 17439 +
Hämmerli SP20 RRS .22lr. Sort finish, flot stand. 8.980,- 16932 +
Hämmerli SP20, vekselsæt i .32 Wadcutter. God stand. 4.480,- 9780 +
Hämmerli X-esse Sport .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 17675 +
IGI Domino M.602 .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 13249 +
IGI Domino M.602 .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12128 +
IGI Domino M.602 .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 13338 +
Manurhin PP .22lr., Flot stand 4.480,- 5817 +
Manurhin PP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 10128 +
Manurhin PP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.480,- 10526 +
Manurhin PP Sport .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 11354 +
Manurhin PP Sport .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 12194 +
Manurhin PP Sport .22lr. Links. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12887 +
Match Guns MG2 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 11.980,- 16168 +
Match Guns MG2 Rapid Fire .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 12.980,- 17756 +
Morini M.102E, .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny 4.900,- 3715 +
Morini M.102E, .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny 4.900,- 4728 +
Morini M.102E, .22lr. Flot stand. 5.500,- 5105 +
Morini M.102E. .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.140,- 10313 +
Pardini Fiocchi SPE .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.980,- 17499 +
Pardini Fiocchi SPE .22lr. Pæn stand. Venstre skæfte. 4.980,- 17498 +
Pardini SP New .22lr. Pæn stand. 9.980,- 17801 +
Performance Center SW22 Victory Target. Flot stand. 8.480,- 17761 +
Peters Stahl PS600 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.980,- 9427 +
Peters Stahl Vekselsæt .22 lr. Model PSW VI 5.500,- 4542 +
Ruger 22/45 Mark II, 5 ½" Bull pibe, blåneret .22lr. 2.580,- 15461 +
Ruger 22/45 Mark II, 5 ½" Bull pibe, blåneret .22lr. 2.580,- 15460 +
Ruger 22/45 Mark II, 5 ½" Bull pibe, rustfri .22lr. 2.580,- 15462 +
Ruger Standard Mark II 6,88" Bull pibe, rustfri .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 1984 +
Ruger Standard Mark II 50 Year Anniversary 3.980,- 12086 +
Ruger Target Mark I, 5 ½" Bull pibe, blåneret, kal. 22lr. 1.980,- 12941 +
Ruger Target Mark I, 6,8" Bull pibe, blåneret, kal. 22lr. 1.980,- 16755 +
Ruger Target Mark II, 5 ½" Bull pibe, blåneret .22lr. Links matchgreb. 3.480,- 17625 +
Ruger Target Mark II, 5 ½" Bull pibe, blåneret .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.580,- 17324 +
Ruger Target Mark II, blåneret .22lr. Matchgreb. God stand. 3.580,- 13767 +
S&W M.22A-1 7" .22lr. Som ny. 3.580,- 15570 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. 2 hånds greb. Flot stand. 11.980,- 17274 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Flot pistol, matchskæfte. 6.980,- 7346 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Flot stand 8.980,- 11553 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Flot stand. 12.980,- 17237 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Flot stand. 9.980,- 17397 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. God stand. 7.980,- 12024 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. God stand. 7.980,- 11342 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. God stand. 7.480,- 17642 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Matchgreb. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 12.980,- 8217 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Matchskæfte - God stand. 8.980,- 9922 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Matchskæfte. Flot stand 8.980,- 11682 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Matchskæfte. Flot stand. 8.980,- 10068 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Matchskæfte. Flot stand. 8.980,- 14522 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Matchskæfte. Flot stand. 8.980,- 13785 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Mekanisk fin stand. 2 hånds greb. 6.980,- 9452 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Pæn stand. 7.980,- 15711 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Pæn stand. 2 hånds greb. 7.980,- 12023 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Pæn stand. 2 hånds greb. 7.980,- 11341 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Pæn stand. Matchgreb. 7.980,- 10923 +
S&W M.41 .22lr. Reblåneret og delvis 'frosen' overflade. 5.980,- 10691 +
S&W M.41 Champion .22lr. Flot stand. 14.980,- 12026 +
S&W M.46 .22lr. Sjælden model, god stand. 7.980,- 9424 +
S&W M.422 .22lr. Flot stand 3.980,- 16043 +
S&W M.422 .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12735 +
S&W M.422 .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12736 +
S&W M.422 .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12019 +
S&W M.422. .22lr. Flot stand. 3.780,- 10274 +
S&W M.422. .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 13912 +
S&W M.422. .22lr. Flot stand. 3.780,- 14225 +
S&W M.422. .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.400,- 9188 +
S&W M.442 .22lr. Flot stand. 3.780,- 11469 +
S&W M.2206 4 1/2" .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.980,- 8837 +
S&W M.2206 6" .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 12027 +
S&W M.2206 6" .22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 15408 +
S&W M.2206 6" .22lr. Med matchgreb. Flot stand. 6.480,- 15779 +
S&W M.2206 6" .22lr. Med matchgreb. Pæn stand. 6.480,- 13960 +
S&W M.2206 Champion 6" .22lr. Med matchgreb. Flot stand. 7.980,- 12778 +
S&W M.2206 Champion 6" .22lr. Med matchgreb. Pæn stand. 7.980,- 11470 +
S&W M.2206 kal. 22lr. Flot stand. 5.980,- 16020 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. Flot stand. 4.900,- 7449 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12132 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 11033 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. God stand. 4.480,- 11389 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. og .32 wadcutter. Flot stand. 7.980,- 5071 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. Ok mekanisk. 3.980,- 12285 +
Sako Traditionel .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.980,- 11543 +
Sako Traditionel 22lr. med Kuffert, Matchgreb 5.500,- 4000 +
Sako Traditionel kal. 22lr. Flot stand. 5.180,- 9883 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Flot stand. 6.980,- 8978 +
Sako Triace .22lr. og .32S&W long. Flot stand. 9.980,- 4670 +
Sako Triace .22lr. og .32S&W long. Flot stand. 9.980,- 17575 +
Sako Triace .22lr. og .32S&W long. Flot stand. Venstre matchgreb. 9.980,- 15185 +
Sako Triace .22lr. og .32S&W long. Pæn stand. 8.980,- 16382 +
Sako Triace .22lr. og .32S&W long. To håndsgreb. Flot stand. 8.980,- 8672 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Original Match greb. 8.500,- 6266 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Pæn stand. 8.980,- 6779 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 12131 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Pæn stand. 7.980,- 10848 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Pæn stand. 7.980,- 14017 +
Sako Triace .22lr. Pæn stand. 6.980,- 17002 +
Sako Triace kal. 22lr. og .32S&W long. Pæn stand. 9.980,- 13485 +
Sig Hämmerli P240 vekselsæt, .22lr. Flot stand. 6.100,- 11217 +
Star Lancer HK .22lr. God stand. 1.980,- 15009 +
Star Mod. Target F .22lr. 5.200,- 1989 +
Star Model FR Sport .22lr. Dame model, God stand 1.900,- 4035 +
Star Model FR Target. .22lr. Ok stand. 1.980,- 8341 +
Star model F Target .22lr. 2.500,- 4653 +
Star model F Target .22lr. 6" 2.500,- 3695 +
Star model F Target .22lr. 6" 2.500,- 3695 +
Stroeger Pro Series 95 (High-Standard Trophy) .22lr. Flot stand 3.980,- 10409 +
Tanfoglio EA22T-TG .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.400,- 8007 +
Tesro TS22 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 8.980,- 17309 +
Tesro TS22-2 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 9.980,- 15180 +
Unique DES-69 .22 LR. God stand 2.980,- 10995 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 5.980,- 11627 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand - dog ikke grebet. 4.280,- 10228 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. 6.200,- 9026 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12859 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12860 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 10662 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 17447 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 16897 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. Des-69-U profil løbsvægt 4.980,- 15253 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Flot stand. Links. 3.980,- 9622 +
Unique DES-69 .22lr. God stand. 3.900,- 7719 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 10083 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. God stand. 3.980,- 10091 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. God stand. 3.780,- 14752 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. God stand. 3.480,- 9623 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Links. Pæn stand. 3.900,- 9405 +
Unique DES-69 .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.100,- 7942 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.500,- 10576 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.880,- 9416 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Pæn stand. 4.480,- 12395 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 10405 +
Unique Des-69 .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.500,- 12242 +
Unique Des-69, .22lr. Matchskæfte, Dame/Junior model, God stand 3.500,- 4429 +
Unique Des-69, .22lr. Matchskæfte, Dame/Junior model, God stand 3.600,- 4414 +
Unique Des-69-U .22lr. Flot stand. 9.980,- 12861 +
Unique DES-69-U .22lr. Flot stand. 9.980,- 14859 +
Unique Des-69-U .22lr. Flot stand. 8.980,- 17107 +
Unique Des-69-U .22lr. Pæn stand. 8.980,- 12524 +
Unique DES/96-U .22lr. Pæn stand. 9.980,- 16031 +
Walther/ISH 35M Frankonia Favorit .22lr. Links, pæn stand 3.980,- 17446 +
Walther 1932 Olympic I .22lr. Meget flot stand. 25.000,- 12629 +
Walther aftræk & historik. 0
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand 7.980,- 11249 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12099 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 12100 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12808 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12809 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 12807 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.480,- 15770 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 12812 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 17570 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 17571 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. 7.980,- 17870 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Flot stand. Morini matchgreb. 5.980,- 17706 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Første model - mekanisk god. 2.980,- 10683 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Første model - mekanisk god. 2.980,- 17730 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Første model - mekanisk god. Flot stand. 3.480,- 17727 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Første model - mekanisk god. Flot stand. 3.480,- 17729 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Første model - mekanisk god. Flot stand. 3.480,- 17728 +
Walther GSP .22lr. God stand. 4.480,- 7759 +
Walther GSP .22lr. God stand. 4.480,- 10049 +
Walther GSP .22lr. God stand. 4.480,- 10050 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Grim - men mekanisk god. 2.500,- 8083 +
Walther GSP .22lr. med vekselsæt i .32 S&W Long. Flot stand 9.980,- 15766 +
Walther GSP .22lr. med vekselsæt i .32 S&W Long. Krom finish. Flot stand. 11.980,- 15762 +
Walther GSP .22lr. med vekselsæt i .32 S&W Long. Pæn stand 9.980,- 17023 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand 3.980,- 7563 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.400,- 8789 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 8961 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 10397 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 11311 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 17731 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 7.980,- 17869 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Pæn stand. 5.980,- 15291 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Som ny. 6.980,- 10256 +
Walther GSP .22lr. Velfungerende - men har fået en tur med grovfilen. 2.700,- 8966 +
Walther GSP kal. 22lr. Pæn stand. 3.980,- 10524 +
Walther GSP vekselsæt i .22lr. Flot stand. 2.800,- 9472 +
Walther GSP vekselsæt i .22lr. God stand. 3.300,- 7759 +
Walther GSP vekselsæt i .22lr. God stand. 2.900,- 10049 +
Walther GSP vekselsæt i .32 S&W Long. Flot stand. 3.980,- 8916 +
Walther KSP 200 .22lr. Flot stand. 4.980,- 17804 +
Walther KSP 200 .22lr. God stand. 4.580,- 17799 +
Walther OSP Vekselsæt .22 Short. 3.600,- 2062 +
Walther OSP Vekselsæt .22 Short. 3.600,- 3382 +
Walther PP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 10552 +
Walther PP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 12105 +
Walther PP .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 11149 +
Walther PP .22lr. Flot stand. Zella-Mehlis 4.980,- 7335 +
Walther PP .22lr. Ok stand. 2.780,- 12827 +
Walther PP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12826 +
Walther PP .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12825 +
Walther PPK-L .22lr. Flot stand. 3.980,- 11151 +
Walther PPK .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 11312 +
Walther PPK .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 12104 +
Walther PPK .22lr. Flot stand. 3.500,- 10314 +
Walther PPK .22lr. Flot stand. 3.480,- 13375 +
Walther PPK .22lr. God stand. 3.100,- 10398 +
Walther PPK .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.400,- 10460 +
Walther PP Sport .22lr. Flot sports pistol. 4.480,- 12886 +
Walther PP Sport .22lr. Som ny. 5.980,- 16716 +
Walther SSP-E .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny. 15.980,- 15916 +
Walther TPH .22lr. Pæn stand. 3.480,- 12821 +
Walther TPH .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 12822 +
Ziegenhann M.IV .22lr. 2.500,- 4944 +
Ziegenhann M.IV .22lr. Ok stand. 2.500,- 6257 +
Ziegenhann M.IV .22lr. Pæn stand. 2.980,- 14754 +