Armi Jäger Frontier 7,5" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 2.980,-
| 10726
|  |
Armi Jäger SAA 5" .22lr. (Antik graveret) - unika.
| 6.480,-
| 7955
|  |
Arminius HW3 2,5" forkromet .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 1.580,-
| 1297
|  |
Arminius HW7S 6" .22lr. God stand.
| 2.480,-
| 183
|  |
Arminius HW7S 6" .22lr. God stand.
| 1.980,-
| 13010
|  |
Arminius HW9 6" .22lr. Ok stand.
| 1.780,-
| 10108
|  |
Arminius HW9 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 1.880,-
| 13078
|  |
Arminius HW9 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 1.980,-
| 14853
|  |
Arminius HW9 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 1.980,-
| 7879
|  |
Astra Cadix 3" .22lr. Ok stand.
| 1.580,-
| 3113
|  |
Astra Cadix 4" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.580,-
| 12967
|  |
Astra Cadix 6" .22lr. Ok stand.
| 1.980,-
| 7994
|  |
Astra Cadix 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.580,-
| 15674
|  |
Colt 1873 SAA 5,5" .357 Mag. 2/3 Generation. Flot stand.
| 16.500,-
| 17606
|  |
Colt Diamondback 4" .22lr. Blåneret. Flot stand.
| 10.980,-
| 12065
|  |
Colt Diamondback 4" .22lr. Blåneret. Nærmest som ny.
| 10.980,-
| 9520
|  |
Colt Diamondback 4" .22lr. Blåneret. Pæn stand.
| 8.980,-
| 8223
|  |
Colt Diamondback 6" .22lr. Blåneret. Som ny.
| 11.480,-
| 15712
|  |
Colt New Frontier .22lr. Flot single action revolver
| 6.500,-
| 3578
|  |
Colt New Frontier SAA .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 5.980,-
| 9945
|  |
Colt Officers 6" .22lr. Klassisk revolver.
| 5.900,-
| 4376
|  |
Colt Officers Match 6" .22lr. Flot stand
| 4.400,-
| 7524
|  |
Colt Officers Match 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 4.900,-
| 7575
|  |
Colt Officers Match 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 4.300,-
| 8221
|  |
Colt Officers Match 6" .22lr. God stand
| 2.880,-
| 9087
|  |
Colt Officers Match 6" .22lr. Godt brugt.
| 2.900,-
| 8222
|  |
Colt Officers Match 6" .22lr. Pæn stand
| 3.800,-
| 7347
|  |
Colt Peacmaker .22lr. og .22 Magnum. Flot stand.
| 9.600,-
| 7646
|  |
Colt SA Frontier Scout. 22lr. Flot stand.
| 5.980,-
| 11290
|  |
Colt SA Frontier Scout. 22lr. God stand.
| 4.980,-
| 12999
|  |
Colt Single Action Buntline Scout 22lr. the lawman series "Wyatt Earp"
| 9.980,-
| 3320
|  |
Gabilondo M. Ruby Ekstra 6" .22 lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.380,-
| 10281
|  |
GP100 5,5" .22lr. Stainless. 10 skud. Nærmest som ny.
| 9.480,-
| 16756
|  |
Harrington & Richardson M.903 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.980,-
| 8287
|  |
Harrington & Richardson M.903 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.980,-
| 17632
|  |
Harrington & Richardson M.904 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.980,-
| 8942
|  |
Harrington & Richardson Sportsman 6" .22lr. Stort set som ny.
| 3.980,-
| 15907
|  |
Hege Uberti Virginian 22 .22lr./22WM. Flot stand.
| 3.980,-
| 17503
|  |
Hi-Standard Double-Nine 5,5" .22lr.
| 1.980,-
| 9690
|  |
Hi-Standard Sentinel R-101 .22lr. Ok stand.
| 1.880,-
| 8706
|  |
Korth Sport 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 14.980,-
| 16630
|  |
Korth Sport 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 14.980,-
| 17491
|  |
Rossi M.51 .22lr. 6". Flot stand
| 2.980,-
| 9688
|  |
Rossi M.51 .22lr. 6". Flot stand
| 2.980,-
| 12965
|  |
Ruger Colorado Centennial .22lr. Flot stand.
| 4.980,-
| 8854
|  |
Ruger Single-Six 6 1/2" .22lr. God stand.
| 2.980,-
| 14536
|  |
Röhm RG34 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 1.980,-
| 12959
|  |
Röhm RG34 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 1.980,-
| 12958
|  |
S&W 22/32 Hand Ejector Bekeart Model of 1903
| 8.500,-
| 7639
|  |
S&W K-200 .38/200 British Service Revolver med parker-hale 22 conversion
| 4.480,-
| 12005
|  |
S&W M.17 4" .22lr. Flot stand. Nærmest som ny.
| 6.980,-
| 17742
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand, nærmest som ny.
| 7.980,-
| 8936
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 7.980,-
| 8643
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 7.480,-
| 8463
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 7.980,-
| 10181
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 7.980,-
| 6318
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 6.980,-
| 9557
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 7.980,-
| 9549
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 6.980,-
| 16972
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 7.980,-
| 17718
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 6.980,-
| 17741
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 6.980,-
| 17739
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 6.980,-
| 17740
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Flot stand. Matchgreb.
| 7.980,-
| 9212
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. God stand.
| 6.980,-
| 11080
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. God stand.
| 6.980,-
| 8597
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. God stand.
| 5.980,-
| 17777
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. God stand. Matchgreb.
| 5.980,-
| 11995
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Ikke pæn, mekanisk god stand.
| 3.980,-
| 11368
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Meget flot stand.
| 7.980,-
| 16569
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Ok stand.
| 5.980,-
| 15455
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Pæn stand - matchgreb.
| 6.980,-
| 11996
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 6.980,-
| 10067
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 5.980,-
| 15614
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 5.980,-
| 11471
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 6.980,-
| 7698
|  |
S&W M.17 6" .22lr. Pæn stand. Matchgreb.
| 6.980,-
| 11997
|  |
S&W M.18 4" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 9.980,-
| 17182
|  |
S&W M.48 4" .22lr. Nærmest som ny. Sjælden model.
| 10.980,-
| 16737
|  |
S&W M.48 6" .22lr. Flot stand - tæt på ny. Sjælden model.
| 5.980,-
| 11999
|  |
S&W M.51 3,5" .22 Magnum. Nærmest som ny
| 6.980,-
| 7904
|  |
S&W M.53 4" .22 Rem. Jet
| 9.980,-
| 11265
|  |
S&W M.53 6" .22 Rem. Jet. Meget flot
| 9.980,-
| 4277
|  |
S&W M.617 6" .22lr. 6 skuds stål tromle. Flot stand, target greb.
| 9.980,-
| 17792
|  |
S&W M.617 6" .22lr. 6 skuds stål tromle. Flot stand.
| 9.980,-
| 16748
|  |
S&W M.617 6" .22lr. 6 skuds stål tromle. Nærmest som ny.
| 10.980,-
| 16431
|  |
S&W M.617 6" .22lr. 6 skuds stål tromle. Nærmest som ny.
| 10.980,-
| 17043
|  |
S&W M.617 6" .22lr. 10 skuds stål tromle. Flot stand.
| 10.980,-
| 16608
|  |
S&W M.617 6" .22lr. 10 skuds tromle. Flot stand.
| 8.980,-
| 17027
|  |
Squires Bingham Model 100D .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 2.980,-
| 10082
|  |
Taurus M.94 4" .22lr. 9-skuds tromle. Flot stand.
| 4.480,-
| 17455
|  |
Taurus M. 96 6" .22lr. Flot stand - hjemmelavet Matchgreb.
| 2.780,-
| 9021
|  |
Taurus M.96 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 3.280,-
| 10270
|  |
Taurus M.96 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 3.280,-
| 10271
|  |
Taurus M.96 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 3.480,-
| 12936
|  |
Taurus M.96 6" .22lr. Flot stand.
| 2.980,-
| 12935
|  |
Taurus M.96 6" .22lr. Matchgreb. Flot stand.
| 3.480,-
| 9620
|  |
Uberti Western Arms SA22 kal. 22lr. God stand.
| 2.500,-
| 7907
|  |
Webley Mark IV .22lr. Pæn stand.
| 5.980,-
| 12969
|  |